Why is dryer vent cleaning Tucson Important? Here’s the story from an industry expert:
As I prepared my children’s laundry to be washed, I wondered “Did this even get worn?” It seems that this time of year the laundry loads double. Kids are back in school (it seemed like mine lived in the same clothes the entire summer – ewe!) and changing out of their school clothes as soon as they get home. Soon the layers of clothes that go with our ever fluctuating, hard to predict Tucson weather will start to pile up and your dryer is soon doing double duty. Your dryer vent plays a critical role in the whole process of laundry going safely and efficiently. as your dyer does its duty, lint is broken down from your clothing and leaves a combustible film throughout the dryers venting system. A dirty dryer venting system can cause lengthy drying times, undue dryer wear and tear, and even cause a fire. Dryer related fires are one of the leading causes of home fires in America. Dryer vent cleaning Tucson can save you time, money and relieve the safety hazards that come with a dirty venting system.
Here’s the scoop on dryer vent cleaning Tucson
The U.S. Fire Administration recommends having your dryer vent cleaned annually by a professional. A good cleaning will include these 5 steps:
- clean and power brush the vent pipe typically located in your wall
- clean the exit point including removal, cleaning and re-installation of any pest screening
- clean and brush the pipe connecting your dryer to the wall vent outlet
- cleaning under and behind the dryer
- cleaning and brushing under/ behind the lint screen area
Having the dryer vent professionally cleaned using the steps above will insure your dryer vent system is running efficiently and safely. According to Angie’s List, the average professional dryer vent cleaning costs around $155.00 based on prices provided by it’s members.

average cost of professional dryer vent cleaning
Don’t forget to do your part as well. Clean your lint screen between each load. Have your dryer serviced by a pro once a year. keep the area around your dryer clear of any combustible materials. Don’t leave a clothes dryer running if you leave home or when you go to bed. For more information or information on how to have your dryer vent cleaned professionally, click here Following these recommendations could save more than just money, it could save you from a house fire!
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